Please go through the following guidelines before starting the Abstract Submission Online.
Structured, no more than 300 words (excluding title, authors list and affiliation)
The Abstract should be structured into the following sections;
Title (which clearly indicates the nature of the investigation)
Authors (List of authors, provide presenting authors email and mobile number)
Affiliation (Institutional Affiliation)
References (optional)
Table: One table. Use the tabs, do not use grid tables. Give a title to the label. Upload the table as a separate word document.
Images: One image in high quality JPEG or PNG format. Upload as a separate file name appropriately e.g., “Figure 1. MRI of wrist”.
Structured, no more than 300 words (excluding title, authors list and affiliation)
The Abstract should be structured into the following sections;
Title (which clearly indicates the nature of the investigation)
Authors (List of authors, provide presenting authors email and mobile number)
Affiliation (Institutional Affiliation)
Case report
References (optional)
Table: One table. Use the tabs, do not use grid tables. Give a title to the label. Upload the table as a separate word document.
Images: One image in high quality JPEG or PNG format. Upload as a separate file name appropriately e.g., “Figure 1. MRI of wrist”.